Friday, August 24, 2012

who i am, part three: knitter

i am so proud of this
though i haven't been doing much lately (see who i am, part one: mama), my other passion is knitting.  about eight years ago, when i was working at borders, i started to notice that the new knitting books coming in had some pretty awesome stuff in them.  i formed a vague ambition to learn how to knit.  i must have expressed said notion to my mother-in-law, because she gave me debbie stoller's stitch 'n bitch one christmas, along with some number eight needles and worsted weight yarn.  the first night, i sat there squinting at the pictures and trying to figure out how exactly to get from point a to point b.  i ended up giving up, totally frustrated, and went to bed.  but i couldn't stop thinking about it.  i fell asleep thinking about it, and in my dream, i was back on the couch with the needles in my hand, trying to knit.  somehow it came to me how to do it.  the next morning, when i tried again, it worked!  i made a stitch!  once i figured it out, i was off and running.  then i made an even greater discovery: yarn stores.  like, real yarn stores, with bins full of delicious yarns in the most beautiful and rich colors and textures.  i say delicious because it evokes a feeling in me similar to hunger, i just want to eat it, stick my face in it and breath it in.  i don't, of course, that would make me like the guy who eats books at the library, and i'm not quite that crazy yet.  eventually i got bored with scarves, hats, & fingerless gloves and moved on to more interesting things like cupcakes and donuts and snakes.  a few years ago, i knit a hand grenade from a pattern, and while i loved the idea, i hated the pattern.  so i decided i would make my own grenade.  that was my first original design, followed naturally by the bomb.  i now have four designs, and my goal is to have a book-full of them ready to publish by the time i hit forty.  i love libraries, but it would also be really fun to make a living with my knitting.  a girl can dream, anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I just found this blog! great writing, Shana. (and thanks for giving me credit for getting you started. awesome)
